Mark does Illustration Friday: "Poised."

Arthur is a rescued white tiger cub who loves mud puddles and chicken.
See him at
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For an update on this post see Dragan's disagreement with Rabbi Azulai
Graig Meyer, head of the Blue Ribbon Mentor Advocate Program, sent the mentors an email about this and my eight-grade friend Menticia was game, so we went.
Labels: mentoring
Labels: art
CHICKEN FARM? Jeez, I have ELEVEN chickens and don't consider this a chicken farm. They are just a decorative addition to the landscape, and providers of far too many eggs.
10 Chickens OK in Chapel Hill
CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — The town that's home to the University of North Carolina's flagship campus says its OK for homeowners to operate small chicken farms.
The News & Observer of Raleigh reported that Chapel Hill Town Council voted Monday night to allow small-scale chicken farming in the town limits.
The vote will allow people to keep hens in any of the town's residential districts, affecting about 7,700 households. But no roosters will be allowed.
Labels: chicken
Here is a good thing to feed your hung over friends for a Daylight Savings Day brunch:
I looked down from above at my first giant mall in 1981. It was "South Square Mall," here in Durham NC. It was one of the ugliest urban sites I'd ever seen, a sprawl of concrete and elevated parking lots, nestled into the bowl of what was once probably a lovely site. Ghastly.
FENGHUA, China — Chen Hsien, an employee of Fenghua Ningbo Plastic Works Ltd., a plastics factory that manufactures lightweight household items for Western markets, expressed his disbelief Monday over the "sheer amount of [garbage] Americans will buy. Often, when we're assigned a new order for, say, 'salad shooters,' I will say to myself, 'There's no way that anyone will ever buy these.' ... One month later, we will receive an order for the same product, but three times the quantity. How can anyone have a need for such useless [garbage]? I hear that Americans can buy anything they want, and I believe it, judging from the things I've made for them," Chen said. "And I also hear that, when they no longer want an item, they simply throw it away. So wasteful and contemptible."
My mom died suddenly when I was in my early twenties; the only people available to deal with the situation were me, my younger brothers, and my mom's shell-shocked twin sister. We'd never dealt with a funeral before.
Last night's dream, seemingly hours long: I was catching mice, hundreds of them, one by one, in a Hav-a-heart trap which I was meticulously baiting, over and over again, with crumbs of orange chiffon cake. One of my band mates was helping me, he took the captured mice from the trap and threw them up the bank of the Bira River in Birobidzhan. Why, I wonder?
I was miserable most of the day, thinking about my friend who had to sell his tools. I escaped my misery for a while by taking my current Yiddish project to my favorite super-cheap Mexican restaurant and working there for a few hours.
Today a dear friend called me and said he was going to have to sell one of the most valuable and indispensable tools of his trade in order to pay off some bills. "How will you work?" I asked. "I just have to take it one day at a time," he said.
Check this out! Pratie Heads music on Amazon!
Labels: music
I sighed when I opened gmail this morning and saw that some Chinese spammer named "sexy" had hit about forty of my old posts with lists of Chinese links. It takes about seven clicks to delete one of these spams. (For more on "comment spam," see below.)
Labels: art
This time I just used the audio track from my tiny camera, and it was perfectly synchronized to the video on my computer, but when I uploaded it to YouTube it got off. Why, why?
Labels: music
I've been fooling around for a couple days trying to figure out how to make a video without buying any more equipment. I hung a bunch of bare lightbulbs on the tv set and set up one of my nice AKG mics overhead, and then put my little bitty pink digital Camera (Optio M50) on a tripod. I ran an audio track into the computer via the free program Audacity while we were recording video on the pink camera.
Labels: music