Scientists ask: why does music exist?
Caveman Crooners May Have Helped Early Humans Survive
by Sharon Begley for the Wall Street Journal, March 31, 2006
In Steven Mithen's imagination, the small band of Neanderthals gathered 50,000 years ago around the caves of Le Moustier, in what is now the Dordogne region of France, were butchering carcasses, scraping skins, shaping ax heads -- and singing.
One of the fur-clad men started it, a rhythmic sound with rising and falling pitch, and others picked it up, indicating their willingness to cooperate both in the moment and in the future, when the group would have to hunt or fend off predators. The music promoted "a sense of we-ness, of being together in the same situation facing the same problems," suggests Prof. Mithen, an archaeologist at England's Reading University. Music, he says, creates "a social rather than a merely individual identity." And that may solve a longstanding mystery.
Music gives biologists fits. Its ubiquity in human cultures, and strong evidence that the brain comes preloaded with musical circuits, suggest that music is as much a product of human evolution as, say, thumbs. But that raises the question of what music is for.
Back in 1871, Darwin speculated that human music, like bird songs, attracts mates. Or, as he put it, prelinguistic human ancestors tried "to charm each other with musical notes and rhythm."
"Music was shaped by sexual selection to function mostly as a courtship display," Geoffrey Miller, of the University of New Mexico, argued in a 2001 paper.
Studies in neuroscience and anthropology, however, suggest that music did help human ancestors survive, particularly before language. In "The Singing Neanderthals," which Harvard University Press is publishing today, Prof. Mithen weaves those studies into an intriguing argument that "language may have been built on the neural underpinnings of music."
He starts with evidence that music is not merely a side effect of intelligence and language, as some argue. Instead, recent discoveries suggest that music lays sole claim to specific neural real estate.
Consider musical savants. Although learning-disabled or retarded, they have astounding musical abilities. One savant could hardly speak or understand words, yet he played flawlessly a simple piano melody from memory despite hearing it only once. In an encore, he added left-hand chords and transposed it into a minor key.
"Music," says Prof. Mithen, "can exist within the brain in the absence of language," a sign that the two evolved independently. And since language impairment does not wipe out musical ability, the latter "must have a longer evolutionary history."
If music is indeed an innate, stand-alone adaptation, then evolution could have nursed it along over the eons only if it helped early humans survive. It did so, Prof. Mithen suggests, because "if music is about anything, it is about expressing and inducing emotion."
Music can manipulate people's emotional states (think of liturgical music, martial music or workplace music). Happy people are more cooperative and creative. By fostering cooperation and creativity among bands of early, prelanguage human ancestors, music would have given them a survival edge. "If you can manipulate other people's emotions," says Prof. Mithen, "you have an advantage."
Music also promotes social bonding, which was crucial when humans were more often hunted than hunter and finding food was no walk on the savannah. Proto-music "became a communication system" for "the expression of emotion and the forging of group identities," argues Prof. Mithen.
Because music has grammar-like qualities such as recursion, it might have served an even greater function. With music in the brain, early humans had the neural foundation for the development of what most distinguishes us from other animals: symbolic thought and language.
Technorati Tags: Music, Science, Evolution
Labels: music
Wearing our favorite hat, Cristóbal rides home where Isabel is expounding on Luis's being the son of Carlos. Cristóbal doesn't think her "proof" (Juana's tears) holds much water. Still - Luis looks like Carlos, while Diego has the eyes of Doña Juana.
Victoria to her mother, Sara: "Why you want to see Diego?" "To see if he looks like Aurora." "Some kids look like neither parent." V still thinks Luis is Carlos's bastard. "If he's a bastard of Carlos, I'll have to revise the opinion I've had of Carlos through the years - that he was noble and responsible. There has to be another explanation." [They all must all be tired of acting so stupid about this. -- Ed.]
Felipe wants to see if Diego really believes Luis to be dead - he proposes breaking the business partnership and watching the reaction. "If he's sure you're dead, he won't accept my demand - and if Juana accepts your being replaced, then she's guilty too." "Why does he want to kill me?" Marcos thinks it's for money. Felipe says Luis better write a will. "I'll leave everything to Hipólita and Rafael. I also want you to put in some bequests." Looks fondly at Felipe and Marcos.
Modesta thinks Juana should tell at least part of the truth; it's absurd to deny Luis's parentage when he looks so much like his father. Juana is crying again, wanting Luis to have a proper Christian tomb. "What if he's in the morgue?" "Luis is so well known, if anybody had found him we'd know." "Well, then, did they throw him in the lake? I ask the Virgin for mercy, because I don't dare ask my brother, he'd never give it." It's a little late for this, Juana.
Decorously, fully clothed in bed, C&C think it's ridiculous and dangerous for H&L to run off together, even though they're desperate. Cris says it would be very difficult for Antonio to get a divorce, even if he wanted to. Hipólita could be charged with adultery. "But if we all testify that Rafael is not her son?" "We would swear falsely in front of God?" "You think God wouldn't understand?
Antonio comes to discuss the new job with Diego. Diego gives a long, long list of things Antonio would be in charge of "because business bores me." "How about Luis, I'm still worried about his return." "I told you not to worry, I have the right to a substitute administrator - and if he comes back, I have the right to keep you on, at least for my part of the business. Don't you trust me?" "Yes, but I don't trust Luis." Diego sends Mal out of the room and says "Don't tell anybody, but Luis won't be back because he isn't one of us. We made a deal we wouldn't tell anybody and would let him keep his name if he left and never came back." "And he accepted? .. and what about the money he has invested in the partnership?" "He'll withdraw it little by little, not all, just part." "And won't he be back to see his son?" "I doubt it, he never cared for that squirt, he just pretended so he could get into Hipólita's pantaloons, and when she went back to you he lost interest. So are you gonna sign?"
I guess so, because the next scene Antonio is happily and energetically telling Hipólita how much he will learn, and how much salary he'll get, as administrator. He says he'll visit all the business locations and burbles happily about vanilla. She mentions the possibility of Luis returning, and he parrots back the story Diego fed him and tenderly tells her he's sorry for her, because she still has affection for a wrong guy like Luis.
Hipólita is now convinced Diego ordered the murder. She tells Ada she's afraid for Antonio, who has been kindly and well-behaved. "Then tell him!" "Luis says I can't."
Modesta is back from jail. "I had to conslole Gasca because he's afraid and the trial is coming up tomorrow." "What will we do, are you sure your plan is going to work?"
Marina tells Andrés her mom and grandmother agreed to give Francisco a hacienda, but he suggests Francisco be not the owner but the administrator. Then: "I don't know how I'm going to feel about marrying such a rich woman. And I can't get over what a jerk I was. I love you so much. Can I kiss you?" It's a nice kiss.
Francisco is furious to hear: "Marina and I are willing to put you in charge of a hacienda." "As your employee?" "No, as my father." "And I'd have to consult you about every little thing?" "No, you could behave as if it were yours." "But it won't be?" "No."
Francisco flounces out and complains to Asuncion: he had things all worked out with Sara and Victoria that he would have a hacienda in his name, and now his lousy son has wrecked it. "Las Tunas wasn't yours, and you were happy." "The Guevaras owned that - Andrés will own this, it's different." "You never stopped reproaching me for not being a virgin, but with Marina it doesn't matter?" "She isn't pregnant, and you were carrying that misbegotten Hipólita." "Whom you were willing to install as a rich man's lover so you could live off her." He almost hits her.
Luis tells Carmela, at the farm, that his pain is receding faster than expected. He asks how she's doing. "I think about Martin every day but I'm resigned to the will of God." "I haven't had a chance to tell you I'll never forget him." "Thanks, and *I* want to tell *you* that I felt so much pain at the death of my son, I had to blame it on somebody..." "... and you chose Hipo -- but we were all guilty, me first, because I should have told Martin from the beginning, and I'm sorry." She says maybe nobody is to blame.
Asunción visits Juana. She hasn't been at the Guevara's for a long time. She says Andres and Marina are marrying. "I'm surprised your husband didn't seek something better." "The dowry is insuperable (heh), her mother and grandmother have tons of money." Juana is struck to hear the names of Sara and Victoria come up again. They decry Francisco's deterioration - and blackmail - and drinking. "Men are a disaster." Juana tries to get info from Asunción about how much Catalina and Cristóbal know. Asunción lies, badly.
Mirtha is telling Sara about Esperanza, the love potion, Diego, the baby, etc. "The rich never go public with their sins." They discuss the fire on the chalana and Mirtha is struck to hear that "Diego," miraculously saved by an old man who took him to the river's mouth, has a burned leg. "Was Don Luis also in that fire?" (One step closer...)
Felipe rides up (damn he looks good on that horse). Diego is woken. "So early?" "It's not so early, Excellency." Modesta toddles through and reports to Juana on Felipe's arrival with his stack of papers. "Get me dressed quickly." Juana wonders if Asunción knows something, she seemed nervous. "All of Cuencas knows something."
Disingenuously, Juana asks Felipe for news of Luis. "There isn't any, but I'm here on his behalf to discuss business with Diego." Diego arrives. Felipe has instructions from Luis. "When did he give them?" "Before his trip." "And where is he supposed to have gone?" "To the capitol."
At Felipe's news, Juana and Diego gnash their teeth in tandem. "Break the partnership! No way!" Felipe: "It's what he wanted, and he gave me the power to act on his behalf." "Right now it can't be done, and his money can't be withdrawn either." "Those were his instructions." Diego: "Have him come and tell me to my face." Juana: "It will cause Diego a lot of trouble if Luis withdraws his money, better to wait." "Sorry, Doña Juana, but those were his instructions." Again Diego says slyly, "Well, have him come tell me himself."
Felipe leaves and Juana asks Diego: "Don't you understand how serious this is? Since there is no declaration of Luis's death, Felipe has the right to do this. If they take their money and break the partnership, we'll be in ruin." "Well, my clever request that Luis come in person buys us some time to think of something, not that I have anything in mind ... Something will come up."
Diego tells her about hiring Antonio and again she hits the roof. "Do you want the whole world to know Luis is dead? When he doesn't come back they'll be suspicious that you knew from the start! Why are you so impulsive?" "Everything has been done in a cool and calculated manner! So don't worry, ma, and you should rest, because you don't look so good. And by the way, are you dealing with Gasca?"
Antonio visits Perla to tell the good news about his new employment and give her the monthly allowance. "It's enough for you to live well, and to hire somebody to help in the house and keep you company." He burbles about vanilla. He tells about Luis's journey, and that he himself will be on business trips and looking at the vanilla plantation. Burbles more about vanilla. [Dang, now *I* want a vanilla plantation. -- Ed.]
Marcos visits Perla with a rough and mysterious air. Walks right in. She says: "I hear your boss is on a trip." "Antonio tell you that? I just saw him walk out of here. He must be a very special client." "You gonna take this gossip to Hipo?" "No." They go over the Guevara gossip. He lies that Esperanza was never pregnant. She says Antonio is a good lover and she's falling for him. "Now I'm his alone. He understands me and treats me like a lady." "He maintains you?" "Now who you going to tell?" "Nobody, thanks for the water. Can I come to visit, with no special intentions?" "As long as you know you're not my type, and I'm exclusive, come when you like."
Happy campesino music as Isabel, Hipólita, Rafael and Ada come to the farm to visit Luis. Isabel talks at Luis and Hip about his being Carlos's son. The only new thing is Isabel's comment: "I don't know where that wretch Diego came from. Maybe *he* was the one plucked out of nowhere." Hipólita tells Luis that in time he'll get used to his status as bastard - she's lived with it all her life. "But I want to know who I am! What hurts is the lying - for more than 30 years I was Juana's son, now it turns out not to be true! You, at least, knew the truth (of your being illegitimate) from the beginning. I've been living a lie." She flatters and nuzzles him.
She says again" I'm worried for Antonio and want to warn him - he's a good man." "Have you told him anything?" "No, I promised not to." Luis doesn't want people to know he's alive until he's determined whether the murder attempt was Diego's.
Thursday: Felipe takes Luis's instructions (to dissolve the partnership and "retire his capital") to Malaquías. "Here's the power of attorney, look it over and see if it's in order, and here are our account lists, compare them to the ones you have." Malaquías hadn't heard about any of this but has a note that Juana wants to see him - he wants to put off this discussion till afterwards. Felipe: "They may oppose it, but if they don't agree we're going to court."
Luis apologizes to Hipólita again for boinking her in the dark in Santa Rita. "I swear I didn't intend to. When you called to me, I kissed you so the guy outside wouldn't hear. I began to feel something I never felt before, soon I realized I had a special woman in my arms, sincere and spontaneous... and as for you - you had no doubts that I was Antonio?" [One has to wonder - Antonio is quite a bit softer and rounder than Luis - Ed.] "I thought you were a 'different' Antonio [Hee hee - Ed.] and after that I didn't think any more."
"I'm not irresponsible, I swear - I'm so sorry I hurt you, and I bless fate that I found you again. Are you sorry it happened?" "I wish it had happened differently, but when I think of Rafael, I feel that night was a gift from God." "For me, this whole voyage has been the best thing in my life. I found my woman, across such a great distance, and I have my son. I swear to God, I'll love you till my death ... and I desperately want to make love to you." Nuzzle.
Antonio runs into Felipe leaving Malaquías's office. "I thought you went with Luis." "No, I stayed behind to do some business for him." "Then it's true he's not coming back?" "Who told you that, Diego? Well, I really can't say."
Antonio asks Malaquías what Felipe came for, but doesn't get an answer. "Is there a problem?" "Oh, no, but I'm hurrying out just now to see Doña Juana." "When can I visit the properties? I want to leave as soon as possible."
Juana is playing the harpsichord when Modesta arrives to report that Luis's body is not in the morgue. Juana then tells Malaquías: "Diego insists on hearing the news from Luis personally." "But Felipe has valid papers and threatens to go to court." "It's your job to protect the Count's interests - don't let this happen." Malaquías says he'll try, and says Antonio wants to visit the properties so he can take administrative control. "Don't tell him about this." "He already saw Felipe, but I just told him blah blah blah." "Send somebody with him." "Last time Gasca went..."
Antonio gets a note - he can leave tomorrow. He asks Andrés if he'd like to go along - Andrés says sure, it's his job. "Even though it's for a month? And with your wedding coming up?" Andrés says he's worried about marrying a rich woman but is happy with Marina and hopes God will send children quickly. Antonio: "Children ... I'd like a son too..."
In the square Perla tells a friend she has a great new protector, sweet and delicate. The friend deduces that he's married with children. "Just one, and it's not his." "Do you use protection?" "Of course!" "Because if you get pregnant, your luck might change..."
Modesta has visited the jail so often she's chummy with the guard. He says Gasca's been tried but the sentence won't be set till next day. She asks Gasca, "What happened to the old guy?" "He died. ... I told them I was innocent and only confessed under torture. [cries] If they decide I'm guilty they'll burn me alive." "Diego has everything set for springing you." "When? When I'm cold [in death] already? ... I know a LOT about Diego, things that would send him to the gallows, so he'd best get me out."
Juana is very worried to hear the sentencing is next day. "This is the most dangerous time, when he knows he's going to die."
Hipólita gets home. Antonio tells her he's leaving next day for a long journey. "I'll leave you enough money." "Please be careful." "Diego says there won't be a problem. ... I'm glad you stayed with me, I love you, don't worry." He nuzzles, she resists, he promises never to force himself on her. "But you want kids! ..." "I'm patient. When you're ready, leave a rose on my bed." [This sounds like a final goodbye to me. I speculate that Antonio will not be coming back from this journey. -- Ed.] Hipólita tells Ada she loves Antonio like a dear friend, a brother, and that he's behaved very well.
Team Luis desides Juana's behavior implies she "knows" Luis is dead, though she was probably not complicit in the murder attempt. Marcos reports that Antonio is "maintaining" Perla, and knows nothing about Luis being dead. Luis: "Hipólita says Antonio is well-intentioned and is being manipulated by Diego." "If that's true, too bad for him." They agree to go ahead with suing Diego. Felipe is embarrassed he's been named a beneficiary in Luis's will. Luis: "Well, you two and Marcos have worked for me for many years, it's fair." I didn't understand Felipe's final remark.
Marina is sad Andrés is leaving. "You don't need that work now." "I will so, until we marry, and I'll work then, too. Or do you think you're marrying an holgazán?
He says the trip will be 4-5 weeks, I'll miss you so much blah blah, nice kiss Andrés! I think this lad has a good future in the telenovelas... They toddle off to sign the marriage contract.
Meanwhile, Cristóbal's will is being signed - he leaves everything to Catalina. She says, "What about your sister?" The sister says she already got hers, not to worry. Catalina demurs again and her dad Francisco says "Shut up and accept the money." He'd probably like to kill Cristóbal as soon as the ink is dry.
Modesta and her picnic basket return yet again - Gasca has been sentenced to death tomorrow. "We have to hurry." "Don't worry, I have it under control."
Out in the garden, Diego is fencing and falls down. Antonio arrives and says: "Felipe didn't say Luis is not coming back, he just said he didn't know when ... is it possible Luis lied to you?" "With a pride like he has? No way. Let's fence." They fence all over and Antonio wins, flipping Diego's sword out flying over innocent defenseless heads.
Sara and Victoria cry at the signing of Andrés and Marina's wedding contract. Even the dwarf cries!
Malaquías tells Felipe the Guevaras want Luis present personally to dissolve the partnership, and Felipe says: "See you in court." "But it will be a scandal!" "They should have thought about that sooner. And remember, Diego's such a bum, if it weren't for Luis he wouldn't have a peso left." He ascertains that Malaquías is innocent of the Luis situation.
Francisco steams about not getting "his" hacienda, and Asunción, who is finally developing some backbone, points out that on this very day they've assured their kids' futures with very generous and wealthy spouses. "Cristóbal didn't even ask for a dowry! And all you think about is that there's nothing for you?" (She uses "usted" with this awful spouse.) He grabs her and points out it's her future, too - "we have nothing." "Cristóbal gave you work, and Andrés has offered you charge of a hacienda." "It's not the same - I want my own - should my son be my boss?"
Isabel to Marina: "I never thought Sara and Victoria had so much money! You're rich." Marina feels awkward about it but Isabel assures her she'll get used to it.
Catalina is happy her husband is so generous. "When I see him it feels like my heart will explode with pure love." Hipólita, on the other hand, is afraid her own dreams won't come true. [I don't want to have to write this again -- Ed.]
Juana watches Modesta mix poison. "Only that much?" "More will burn out his guts." She takes her basket off to jail. Gasca: "Are you getting me out tonight?" "Tomorrow you'll be taken out of here to receive your sentence personally from the regidor. There will be armed men in the plaza to rescue you; you'll be given money to start a new life in another city." "You're not deceiving me?" "No. Diego will take care of you, but your liberty depends on your revealing nothing about him. And here's some booze from Juana to calm your nerves." He gets drunk and reminisces, "How was I supposed to know he was the brother of the Inquisitor? And afterwards, that Jew whore, if she hadn't shown up none of this would have happened." Modesta fiddles with her little flask. "You're drunk, have a little water." "No!" But he does - and he chokes chokes chokes as Modesta watches quizzically. Nerves of steel, that little lady.
Antonio says one last goodbye to Hipólita. "But I thought you were leaving in the morning?" He gives a lame excuse and departs - perfumed and bedecked, as Ada points out. Hipólita says it's great if he has a lover, it will keep him away from her bed, but Ada points out men spend money on women and Antonio doesn't have much...
Antonio goes to Perla to get complimented and kissed and I hope that was the end because it's where my tape cut off.
No show Friday.
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Amor Real
Entre el Amor y el Odio
"Telenovela villains meet lurid, dreadful deaths"
Technorati Tags: Telenovela, Alborada, Novela, Summary, Plot