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Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Poema 92. Sátira filosófica

By Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (Mexico, 1651-1699), of whom more tomorrow.
Hombres necios que acusáis
a la mujer sin razón,
sin ver que sois la ocasión
de lo mismo que culpáis:
Foolish men, you accuse
woman without reason,
without seeing that you create
exactly that for which you blame them
Parecer quiere el denuedo
de vuestro parecer loco,
al niño que pone el coco
y luego le tiene miedo.
Your persistent stupidity
Seems most like
the boy who calls out the bogeyman
and afterwards is afraid
¿Que humor puede ser más raro
que el que, falto de consejo,
él mismo empaña el espejo,
y siente que no esté claro?
What kind of character could be weirder
than one who cluelessly
steams up the mirror himself
and then regrets that it's not clear?
Con el favor y el desdén
tenéis condición igual,
quejándoos, si os tratan mal,
burlándoos, si os quieren bien
With favor and disdain
you hold both in the same position:
you complain about them if they treat you badly; you mock them if they love you well.
Siempre tan necios andáis
que, con desigual nivel,
a una culpáis por cruel
y a otra por fácil culpáis.
You're always so stubbornly mulish
that, with an unbalanced scale,
you blame one woman for being cruel,
and the other for being easy.
Pues ¿para qué os espantáis
de la culpa que tenéis?
Queredlas cual las hacéis
o hacedlas cual las buscáis.
So why are you so afraid to take the blame you deserve? Love them just as you have made them, or make them as you would want to find them

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At 11:47 PM, Blogger kenju said...

This poem describes my ex son-in-law perfectly. Thanks for posting this; I am sending it to my daughter, with apologies.

At 2:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Increiblemente triste que después de tantos siglos de que este poema se haya escrito, las cosas no han cambiado mucho :(
It is amazingly sad that, after so many centuries this poem has been written, things don't seem to change a lot :(

At 1:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

in what year was this poem published? i need it for a project. thanks for your help!


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