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Sunday, March 13, 2005

Michele responds...

As I wrote here, I asked Michele if she'd be willing to be interviewed and she said yes!

I'm so pleased to be able to share this with others who are as curious as I am!

And I suggest that if you have a mysterious blog friend you're curious about, just ask away - who knows what you might find out!

1. Where ARE you? (If you're too demur to say straight out, just give us your zipcode). Do you live on a busy street, or in the country? Do you live in a house, an apartment, an igloo?

Let me begin with a confession: I have never had a zip code, well, perhaps that it is not much of a confession. I am Canadian and therefore have only ever had a postal code. I live within a large city but my neighbourhood has a small community appeal. I currently live in an apartment that I love with neighbours that I adore. The word apartment is somewhat misleading because I have a front and back door and a patio for summer living and a garden that brings me joy. Oh, and a glorious view of the lake. What is not misleading is that I adore my neighbours and I am blessed that I live in a building filled with friends.

2. How long have you had this blog? Has it always been the way it is now, or has it changed over time? Does it construct itself easily, or do you think about it a lot?

My first blog, which I started last May, was literary in nature with a focus on short stories and short story writers, it changed dramatically in early October and slowly developed into what it is now. My blog is very easy simply because it is my personality in written form. However easy does not imply that it is not time consuming. My blog is much like the soundtrack of my thoughts; it is always audible, yet the volume is occasionally low and at other times the volume is turned up in order to make my spirit dance.

3. Pretend I'm the census taker: how many people occupy your domicile? What famous person is your demographic peer? Are your loved ones (those not on the premises) nearby or far away? And for the sake of animal lovers I must ask: do you live with animals?

Beckett, a twenty five pound charcoal grey cat allows me to share his home. He is very spoiled, he is very loved, and he is the reason I do not need an alarm clock. My mother lives three hundred miles away. My future lives eight hundred miles away, which of course, is the distance of one heartbeat. Each year I celebrate the anniversary of my 29th birthday and I share my birth year with the woman who played Vianne Rocher.

4. You have mentioned that you are a writer and a speech-giver in real life. What do you write? Do the people you work with know about your blog? Do they know you have hundreds of goslings who would follow you across any highway? Does your family know?

Although I am a published writer, my career is that of a corporate and political speech writer and speech coach. My friends and clients only know about my blog if I have told them about it. Otherwise they have no way of knowing. A few friends do know and they occasionally comment on my blog. My mother reads it almost daily.

5. What question do you wish I had asked? Please pose the question and then answer it.

The one question that I am asked often is what do I get out of my blog. Each day I am impressed and delighted with the creative replies and comments that are offered for the questions I ask. I truly do read each and every comment and although I am unable to reply to each one they are all treasured. Each person that visits my blog has allowed me a glimpse into their world or their thoughts, for this I am lucky and

Now I know you will make the return trip to Michele's blog and tell her how grateful you are that she answered these questions!!

UPDATE: In yet another example of amazing synchronicity, the very same night Michele gave an interview (here) to Sigmund, Carl, and Alfred. Learn more!


At 12:00 AM, Blogger kenju said...

I started here, went to see Michele and now I am back. I enjoyed the interview.

At 9:13 AM, Blogger SC&A said...

Well done!


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