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Saturday, February 25, 2006

Telenovela Alborada, #19

Owing to a mothering disaster, I didn't get to watch till after midnight, hence I've had no time to proof this. Read at your own risk!

This is one in a series of recaps of the Univision telenovela Alborada.
In order to read the whole post, you must now click "read the rest" at the bottom of this summary! If you are new, please visit the recaps in ORDER - see the bottom of this post for information.

Covering for me while I'm out of town: Sylvia has volunteered to do March 6th and 8th. Jean has volunteered to do March 1st, 9th, and 10th. That leaves March 2nd, 3rd, and 7th to be covered. If YOU would like to do a guest recap or two, leave your contact info in the comments section or email me at

Wednesday: Well, as you know, my machine did not record Tuesday night's program, so I watched the "previously on Alborada" section with interest. Cristóbal, lying in bed with no shirt on, marries Catalina, who looks very lovely. They exchange the rings of his parents and kiss each others' hands! Annoying martial music plays! Who chose this music?


Luis is away somewhere impatiently waiting for the kidnappers to show up but, of course, they don't. That's because Juana's henchpeople, Gasca and Modesta, were the kidnappers, and they don't exactly want Luis to know that. So Luis missed Cristóbal's wedding for nothing. Eventually Felipe gets him to return home.

Francisco is drinking alone when his wife Asuncion arrives. He says "our luck has changed." Now that Catalina will be wife - or widow - of a very wealthy man, Francisco will be able to sit with his feet up and get hammered every single day without having to worry about money. Asunción says, well can you at least stop blackmailing Juana now? But he doesn't see any reason to cut off that income stream. He grabs her and pulls her into his lap but she slithers away. He doesn't care, he still has his bottle.

At Cristóbal's, more praying and another upwelling of platitudes from Hipólita. Let's see: "Tomorrow is another day," "Don't lose hope," "Look for the silver lining," "There's light at the end of every road," "I've lost half my life, so God will make sure the second half is beautiful" [Only somebody with no memory could think such a thing. -- Ed.] More anachronistic music. [Music of that time was very beautiful. Too bad the producer didn't have enough faith in us to use it. -- Ed.]

Juana is reduced to sending a very stupid servant with her note for Luis ("Come see me immediately!"), because she already has sent her smart ones off to do dreadful things.

Diego is carried home from the inn slung over his horse like a sack of potatoes. He'd been carousing with Rodrigo and Antonio. He's desperate to pee but the servants won't let him use the bushes. He giggles very strangely as they drag him up the stairs.

Luis gets back to Cristóbal's place, sees him burning up with fever, and has him submerged in an ice bath. This turns the tide, so to speak, and Cristóbal is on the mend. By morning he'll be ready for juice and chicken soup, the doctor says.

Juana is going ahead with plan B as suggested by Gasca. "A second note came while you were gone, Luis, the kidnappers didn't dare face you, they went elsewhere and I sent Gasca with the money. He'll bring the kid back." She continues with another feeble cascade of lies. She tells of her plan to have Hipólita be Rafael's nanny - a plan with an eccentric logic since Hipólita is actually Rafael's mother, even if she doesn't remember it. Luis promises: "I'm going to tell her everything as soon as I get our child back."

Juana: "I want Rafael here forever!" Luis: "He'll only stay if Hipólita agrees."

I recognize this old war-horse of an anachronistic cello piece that gets played outside the church but I can't think of the name right now.

Cristóbal's sister jokes with Luis: "I'm not sure Cristobal would ever have married under any regular circumstances," Cristóbal says he's not sorry he married Catalina. Some feeble but cheerful banter shows he's on the mend.

Luis, suspicious, asks Marcos and friend to find out where Gasca was on the previous day, then vows to Hipólita: "I'm leaving Cuencas and coming back tomorrow, hopefully with my son, and then there are many things I want to tell you." "Are these things sad?" "Well, ... uh, life has pains, also happiness. And me, I've had far more pain than happiness." "Even thoughh there are obstacles, you can succeed." Platitudes R Us.

Antonio accosts Luis on his way out of town. Antonio wants to hash out the problems with the regidor, the documents, the hiding of the truth from Hipólita, etc. and he endears himself to me NOT by saying several times in this episode "She's my wife and I have all the rights over her." Luis: "OK, go ahead and tell her everything - be sure not to forget that your mother and you threw me in her bed to make you a son." Onlookers titter appreciatively at this public airing of dirty linen by aristocrats. It's sort of like hearing people's cellphone conversations.

Marina and Isabel get ready for their meeting with Sara and Victoria, who are getting ready at the same time on the other side of town. Sara is very frightened - not having been out of the house for so long - but Victoria is encouraging, telling her mom that her mom's dead parents are looking down from heaven to protect her.

Hipólita is frightened - she's decided people would have told her more about her past life if what there was to tell was ok. The longer they tell her nothing, the more worried she is.

Antonio wants to talk to Hipolita (and tell her everything), but Isabel heads him off.

The regidor has not got the chops to help Antonio procure new traveling papers. And there are those border problems...

For about the tenth time Hipolita harrasses Ada for information. She finds out she and Luis loved each other. "Did we go to bed?" "Yes." "Oh no, I'm a whore! Me engaged and him married!" "No, you didn't know."

Antonio comes but Hipólita has a terrible headache (I don't blame her). She also feels nausea. Uh-oh! We know what that ALWAYS means! Have you noticed men in telenovelas never get nauseated? And that only pregnant women get nauseated? Antonio says he'll come back tomorrow. "Ada, don't tell me I slept with him too!" "No, I swear." "OK, I guess it's a consolation I was the whore of only one man and not many."

The last scene is between Catalina and Cristóbal, who is now wearing a shirt and has had the opportunity to have his silly facial hair groomed meticulously. He talks to her about how it's going to be, to be the lady of the palace. She says she's afraid she won't be a good wife, he says, well I'm afraid I won't be a good husband, so we're in the same boat. It's very sweet.

Thursday: Show was pre-empted by some awards thing.

  • Asuncion is surprised (she shouldn't be) that her awful husband Francisco was sort of hoping Cristóbal would die. "Nothing wrong with my being concerned about our family's welfare. You know how much our daughter Catalina would have inherited as his widow? This palace would have been ours! And he had a lot of other properties too!" "For this you accepted the wedding, because you tought he'd die?" "No, it's just that if he'd died everything would have been easier!" "I never thought you were so awful, such a ruin. I'm tired of your uselessness, you don't have a spark of nobility, and you treat Andrés so badly." Wow! Francisco coils up a heavy rope in his hand and whips around with it threatening his wife and knocking things over and he pulls the tablecloth off the table. You can bet HE doesn't plan to clean up this mess he's making!

  • In the square, there are fire-eating snake-oil-selling acrobats performing in the square when Victoria and Sara (heavily veiled) arrive for their meeting with Isabel. Sara, who has left her house for the first time in 36 years, is horrified to see the fire and has a post-traumatic stress flashback to when her parents and brothers were burned at the stake in the square by the Inquisition (for being Jews).

    Isabel arrives and instantly recognizes Sara. She is saddened by her burns - gotten in the very fire which killed Carlos and Aurora - and shocked to discover it was Juana who denounced Sara's relatives causing the Inquisition to incinerate them. Sara thinks Juana did it out of jealousy of the affection Juana's brother and sister-in-law felt for Sara. They have a sweet, poignant, emotional conversation.

    Flashback to a time when Sara, with young Victoria in tow, visited Juana to ask her for help in retrieving the family Olvieda's ashes. (Isabel was living in Peru during this whole period and only heard about it later from Juana.) Not only did Juana not help, she refused to let Sara see the boys (little Diego and little Luis), and said if Sara didn't disappear permanently, Juana would denounce her to the Inquisition and there'd be one more incinerated Jew removed from Mexico.

    UPDATE:Clarification and correction from Jean:

    I didn't understand the chronology here until I watched it several times. We know that Sara was burned in the fire on the chalana. She tells Isabel that it tooks months for her to heal. THEN she found out that her family had been denounced and "were going to be burned alive" (los iban a quemar vivos - using the verb ir + a to mean to be going to to something, i.e., it hadn't happend yet). In spite of her fear, she goes to Cuencas to try and see them before the execution and asks help from Juana who rejects her, etc. etc. What confused me before I focused on those pesky verb tenses was that we know that Sara witnessed the execution so it could not have happened while she was recovering from the burns she got in the fire.

    A nice costume touch is that in the flashback of the scene with Juana and Sara, we see Juana in the fashion of most of the eighteenth century, a tight-fitting bodice with a flat front and panniers. The Revolution in Fashion as it is called with the change to the shapeless slip-like dresses occurred about 1790 so when Luis and Diego were babies, the old style was still being worn.

    While strolling about the plaza, Victoria tells Marina she should occupy a better social position that she does, that she should marry a gentleman and raise some grandbabies already. Marina says it won't be possible, not because of money but because of "other things" (she doesn't say so but the other things include, for instance, that having been raped by Diego she is no longer a virgin).

    When Marina and Isabel get back to the castle, Marina wants to know what took place in that long meeting, but Isabel needs a big stiff drink first. Then: "Your mother was accused of killing your father, but don't worry, it wasn't true, because you were with him the day he was murdered, and afterwards you were gone. Sara and Victoria went plumb loco looking for you with no success." Marina cries, probably in confusion and dismay to finally know her own mother under such odd circumstances.

  • Also idly watching the acrobats out there in the plaza, Antonio says to Rodrigo: "The Guevaras are a family of despots, running everybody's lives, they think they are kings and queens. Juana raised one drunk and one shameless man." "Do you think it's true what Diego told us last night, that Esperanza's child is his doing?" "Who knows?"

    Rodrigo has received a letter from his father, saying the insurrection is gaining power and properties are being stolen away by the political rebels. This could leave our Panamanian aristocrats destitute. "My father will try to defend what's ours with teeth and claws. He doesn't want me doing business with Diego unless I get cash." Speaking of cash, Antonio is fairly cash-poor since investing in Diego's vanilla plantation and still talks of visiting his ATM.

  • Esperanza, her servant Mirtha in tow, steals into Hipólita's room. Viewing the sleeping woman (calling her "dormidota"), Esperanza hisses disbelief that they share a father - "She doesn't look like us. She isn't pretty. What does Luis see in her?"

    She steals Hipólita's medicine and asks Mirtha to run it over to Carmo, the cigar-smoking negro gypsy healer, to find out what's in it. It turns out to be just pain killer and sleeping potion. "Nothing more?" asks Esperanza in disappointment.

    Still sleeping, Hipólita dreams of the day of Rafael's baptism. On that day, Luis took her to a big house he planned to buy for her, showed her around, prayed with her, had a faux wedding with her in front of a dusty mirror, and then had sex with her on the floor. Hence, no doubt, her current nausea. Speaking of which ...

    If, as I speculate, she is pregnant, just imagine! She's had sex just twice in more than four years and each time she got pregnant! She and Luis must make a very fecund combination. If they end up together and she doesn't watch out she'll end up with a couple dozen kiddlies.

  • Esperanza wants to overdose Hipólita with her own (laudanum?) and kill her. Mirtha rightly points out that since Esperanza is known to have nearly killed Diego with a potion, she'll be suspect #1 should another peculiar poisoning occur.

  • Luis and Felipe tried to head Gasca off at the pass on his way back from ransoming Rafael, but he never showed up - not surprisingly, Juana had lied about the road and Gasca went a different way precisely so Luis wouldn't see him.

    Felipe counsels Luis to have a cool head and not go barging off in four directions at once (this was John Lennon's counsel to us all). His point - that if they don't go back to Cuencas right away Luis may miss his chance to spin the story of Hipólita's life to his own advantage - prevails and they head back.

  • Perla is doing a booming twilight business out on the plaza, no doubt because she has such excellent posture. To my great surprise, she comes on to ANTONIO and he accepts! He must want to find out if his equipment really does work.

    She and Antonio go to her house and next thing we see them side by side naked in bed, languidly post-coital. He asks her about Francisco; she disparagingly calls Francisco a homely old fart who nevertheless may get her a job at a card-house. As Antonio leaves her house, Ramon and the mute are barging in. Antonio gives the lowlife scum a courtly bow and a cordial, perhaps ironic, "good evening gentlemen."

  • Ramón reports all to Sara.

  • I thought I saw a full-sized dead person being lowered from a tree as Luis and Felipe galloped by.

  • The week ends with another peaceful lovely discussion between Cristóbal and his new wife Catalina. He asks what she wants from their future and she says, "To be a good, obedient wife and care for our kids if God sends us some." "Well, what I want is for us to trust each other, tell each other everything. Don't be afraid of me. Most married people live as if they were separate, barely tolerant, regarding each other with indifference, I don't want an obedient wife, I want a companion and friend. And by the way, please," he begs for the second time, "use the familiar "tu" with me!" That's a cute little shtick.

I post the new update every Wednesday and Saturday morning. All Alborada recaps are now listed in the sidebar to the right - below the small picture of Modesta and Doña Juana, just above the elephant. Click on the numbers (ONE TWO THREE ... ETC) to find them!

Amor Real
Entre el Amor y el Odio

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At 8:44 AM, Blogger Jean said...

Hi Melinama: Great summary as usual especially for being done after midnight. Just a couple of clarifications. You wrote:

"Flashback to a time when Sara, with young Victoria (then called Sofía) in tow, visited Juana to ask her for help in retrieving the family Olvieda's ashes."
First, the child was Victoria, Sofía is the name that Victoria gave her daughter, now known as Marina.

I didn't understand the chronology here until I watched it several times. We know that Sara was burned in the fire on the chalana. She tells Isabel that it tooks months for her to heal. THEN she found out that her family had been denounced and "were going to be burned alive" (los iban a quemar vivos - using the verb ir + a to mean to be going to to something, i.e., it hadn't happend yet). In spite of her fear, she goes to Cuencas to try and see them before the execution and asks help from Juana who rejects her, etc. etc. What confused me before I focused on those pesky verb tenses was that we know that Sara witnessed the execution so it could not have happened while she was recovering from the burns she got in the fire.

A nice costume touch is that in the flashback of the scene with Juana and Sara, we see Juana in the fashion of most of the eighteenth century, a tight-fitting bodice with a flat front and panniers. The Revolution in Fashion as it is called with the change to the shapeless slip-like dresses occurred about 1790 so when Luis and Diego were babies, the old style was still being worn.

Finally, Sara's spy is Hingínio, not Ramón.

At 10:00 AM, Blogger melinama said...

Hi Jean,

Thanks for the help. I was beyond exhausted when I did that recap last night.

I know Higínio is Sara's spy, but didn't Ramon go in and talk to her last night?

And Jean, thanks for offering to do the 9th as well. You're on! You will do such a great job... better than I can.

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Jean said...

Melinama: I don't how good a job I'll do. I've never done a summary of a whole episode. It's a lot easier to pick nits in what someone else has done. I'll give it my best shot. I only live with cats so I have somewhat more time to obsess out this than folks with family responsibilities. I think teasing out these little grammar things helps me with my Spanish rather than just letting it go because you understand the overall plot line.
The only relevant scene last night that I saw was Hinginio in the doorway of the tavern listening to Gasca quizzing Ramon & Arcadio about what they had discovered about La Poderosa.
Alborada is certainly obsessed with peeing. I just remembered the scene in Wed.'s episode where La Poderosa's guards outside her house don't let local drunks pee on the side of her house.
Uh oh, got to go. Cats want to play.

At 2:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Melinama-thanks so much for your updates. I just started a serious study of Spanish in November after returning from a medical/dental mission trip to Nuevo Laredo, Mexico where we had to rely on translators to communicate. Although I can get the gist of what is happening by reading the captions, I have come to rely on and look forward to your informative and entertaining recaps to fill in the (huge) gaps that remain. I look forward to the day when I will be able to interpret for others as well as you (and Sylvia and Jean) do for us! Thanks for your all hard work and dedication!

At 4:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was that? I thought Antonio was gay....whoops I guess his little willy had other ideas.
And with Perla, my goodness don't they make such a lovely couple...just think of the kiddies they could have together. Makes ones head just spin with the thought. Who was that yelling at Fransico ? Couldn't of been his wife as she would never yell like that.....then again maybe she's finally found her "Garras" and about time. Who else thinks
Monday night Hipolita will take one look at little Rafaelito and BANG her memory will return, I just see it coming and none too soon.
Keep up the great work.

At 5:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lesa, I totally agree with you!! I think Hipolita will take one look at Rafael and all od a sudden remember everything. Well, hopefully not everything, just the good stuff!! (Wishful thinking) Anyway, wouldn't that be something if Hipolita was pregnant again? I mean I would just jump up and down with joy if that happened!!!!! And what was Esperanza thinking when she said Hipolita wasn't pretty? Hello!!!! She shouldn't be talking!!!

At 6:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't say how shocked I am by Antonio hooking up with Perla! I thought he was not just gay but also impotent!?!

And, melinama, you did see a full sized dead person being lowered from a tree and just before that a person was being draged by soldiers on horses... I thought I even heard him screaming, ugh!

They are really trying hard to portrays the "good guys" (Luis and Cristobal, especially) as modern men... not only is Cristobal a doctor and Luis into science but now Cristobal is defending women's rights! Catalina is luckier than some of today's women!

I also have to reiterate what someone said earlier, maybe in post 18... weekends are horible now that I'm so into these novelas! I can't stand that I look forward to Mondays, lol!!

At 9:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we a bunch of pathetic women or what?
I just spent my whole Saturday watching Amor Real and am also looking forward to monday to see what will happen with Alborada.
It's an obsession.
Comment: I thought about a couple of weeks ago "novela time" before
Hipólita was to leave with her husband, she and Luis were talking and she aluded to the fact that this time there wouldn't be any consequence to their actions.
Anyone else remember that?

At 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I occassionally check on the Mexican website for the "Alborada" and one of their polls asks if we think Antonio and Perla will fall in love! Guess Antonio decided to switch teams. From the way he talked to Perla, it sounds like he's particularly happy at the information she can give him about the Guevara family. Maybe it all started as him taking one for the team to get more info on his rival.

In an answer to some previous questions: I don't think Lucero wears hair extensions. Back in her teen idol days, her hair measured 75 cm (that's about 2 1/2 feet). Incidentally, Daniela Romos's hair (that's Dona Juana) measured 1 meter (a little over a yard). Romo even had her own shampoo brand out there (much like Farrah Fawcett did in the early 80s), though she suposedly washed her hair with a chamomille infusion and always air dried it. Back then both had straight hair, so they definitely owe a lot to their stylists.

The other question was about strong women in telenovelas. Most Hispanic countries have a heavy dose of machismo, so most of our heroines tend to be the long-suffering type and the majority of strong women we find are villains. Still, there were a few out there who didn't fit the mold. In "Yesenia," our gypsy heroine gets tired of waiting for her soldier husband to come back and returns to her family. Turns out he was in some top secret mission (national security) and tries to find her. Eventually she takes him back.
In "Amalia Batista," our heroine kills her first husband when he cheats on her with her best friend. Years later, she is rehabilitated, out of prison, and married to her former lawyer. When he too cheats on her (not the smartest thing to do if you ask me) she takes the high road. She leaves him and goes to South America as a nurse to vaccinate the poor. There she meets a handsome native who all look up to and who actually respects her, calling her "White Butterfly."
There are a few others, but they are definitely in the minority.
Thanks to Melinama (and Ruth and Jean) for the great recaps. My schedule is such a mess I don't always get to watch.

At 10:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto about long weekends! Can hardly wait till Monday evening. Reminds me of a comment I read recently --made by a man----that women who are passionately obsessed with books (same would apply to telenovelas) are desperately looking for that which could never occur in their everyday lives.
Well my response- So what's wrong with that? Of course, we're not going to find Fernandos and Cristobols because they don't exist.
Or...does someone on this blog know men who look like Fernando or behave like Cristobol? And, if so, are they in the United States?
Re: Antonio's sexual preferences: I think he made himself try this so he can use the information later to prove that his tool is working just fine with women and he's capable of making babies. There are men who can ONLY GET IT UP with prostitutes (especially in total privacy--not like with other drunks around in a brothel) I seem to remember a scene from way back in Panama, when one of Antonio's friends came to collect him for an evening "romp" but he was tired. Now maybe that guy was gay- but I doubt it. Anyway, just rambling. We're supposed to be confused about Antonio. Adds to the suspense.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Jean said...

I think the producers of Alborada really wimped out on the Antonio situation. After all his anguish etc. about not being able to consummate his marriage, he just has sex with Perla as if it were no big deal. While we know that Antonio told Hipólita that he was 'cured,' there's been precious little evidence of this. Prior to his very matter-of-fact transaction with Perla, Antonio disdained prostitutes when at the bordello with Rodrigo and Diego and admitted to Rodrigo that his problem with Hipólita had been his sexual preferences. For dramatic purposes, wouldn't it have been better to make more out of his 'cure?' For example, suppose Perla found out Antonio was supposed to be afeminado and says, 'what you need is a real woman - not those frigid aristocratic b****es.' Or Antonio says to Perla, 'Help make a heterosexual man out of me so I can keep my wife' or words to that effect.
Not for the first time, a novela fails to take full advantage of the plot lines it has developed.

At 5:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

last night watched earlier episode where Antonio told Adelaida his mother that rumours of his preference for "mozos" over "mozas" was "mentira" because he'd been with prostitutes and she said for him to pretend Hipolita is a "ramera" and he answers that she doesn't understand that he feels "carino por ella", ahhh how sweet. Well at least I remembered somewhere he had said he'd been with prostitutes. So that explains
why Perla.....but what happens if he feels "carinoso" next time ? Will nothing happen....I think Antonio needs therapy! I know I sure do..ha ha.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Jean said...

Lesa: Antonio wouldn't be the first guy to lie to his mother about being a homosexual. ;-) We still have to deal with the fact that Antonio admitted to Rodrigo last week that his problem with Hipólita had been his sexual preferences (and there was no question that Rodrigo was referring to a sexual preference for men, not prostitutes.) To have this make sense, we would have to conclude that Antonio is bisexual. He prefers men in a cariñoso relationship - hence his problem with Hipólita - but he can perform heterosexually with prostitutes. He would have to be guilt ridden about his homosexual tendencies. That was not an 'accepted lifestyle' in this period. In fact, sodomy was a serious crime as well as a sin. Antonio probably does need therapy. Anyone with Adelaida for a mother would probably be seriously screwed up.

At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was so happy to be able to actually locate Alborado on the internet and surptised further by so many really into this novela. I couldn't believe that someone actually took the time and translated the episodes! Excitedly, I read all of your offerings all the way through so that knew exactly what was happening.
I am from Miami and had to relocate to New Jersey so my Spanish is not too good to say the least since not many folks speak spanish around me. It's been difficult to understand a great deal of the program and, now that I see how hard it's been for so many of us die hards to grasp as well. No wonder!! With a plot like this, you're right, you'd need a Geneologist to establish the story line!
But, I love this novela! I was addicted to another one once before but this one is by far the best. And I too feel in love with Luis! He can knock on my door anytime.
I love the way you write this up; as I read from another "fan" of yours, you make me start laughing at some of the stuff, Antonio with his constant pushing his ahair away from his face, the dead body being pulled down (hanged?), I thought to myself "What the,,," Then I see your translations and I had to laugh; somebody out there thinks like me.
I'm not sure how long this is going to go on, but, please don't stop this writing of yours. I for one would have been lost without it, My sister thinks I'm nuts watching a Spanish Novela and not understanding all of what is being said. But, how do you explain this to someone?
I'll have to try and catch this other novela you refer to from time to time. And, just a final note, I too can't wait for Monday to roll around...what a strong (and strange) addiction... Keep up the great work - you are appreciated.

At 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous,
Me and Lesa hooked up via-email for an Amor Real fest. I have the DVD short version, she has all the episodes on 20 dvds. If you haven't watched that one, do so.
You're in for a treat. It comes with English subtitles. You're right, we are obsessed, but what the only live once.
Viva, telenovelas.
Gammyroe aka Rosa.

At 12:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Melinama and friends,
I would offer to do the summaries but here in PR the telenovela is still dealing with everybody finding out Esperanza is pregnant (and the alledged father does not know, JAJA!). According to a mexican site, ALBORADA ended in Mejico Feb. 25 and there is a summary of the last episode and a couple of interviews of the actors impressions. For those of you who want to take a peak, the site
It mentions that Carla Estrada said that the DVD will be released in less than 2 months. The article does not specify if it is a short or long version but, judging from what some of you have mentioned here, I guess it will be a short one. Melinama, wish you luck these days and THANK YOU to Sylvia and Jean. Bye, Giselle.

At 5:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, so I've seen the novela from the very first episode, but I think I missed something. I still can't comprehend how Dona Juana and Isabel are sisters-in-law? I thought Tia Isabel's brother was the Conde? So, who did Dona Juana marry? Did the conde have another brother or what? That's the only thing that confuses me. Someome please help!

At 6:08 PM, Blogger melinama said...

Hello Anonymous,

Yes, that's right. Juana is the widow of Isabel's brother. She married him thinking he was going to inherit the excellent fortune of his aunt in Peru, but instead the aunt in Peru left her goodies to Isabel.

At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi people, I have been watching alborada since the beginning, but I am still confused. How did juana managed to make diego pass for the the conde de come nobody noticed....what happened with the chalana? Who got burnt on the chalana? Who are luis' parents? who is diego's father??

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

to Anonymous, 4:15pm.
Antonio, in the first week or so of this series, told his mother that he had had sex with prostitutes. I thought he was making it up, since his mother was accusing him of being gay at the time, but apparently not. Since Perla is a puta, I guess it makes sense that he could do it with her.

At 11:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kady (6:54 pm),
If you take the time read the previous weeks' entries, all of your questions have already been asked and answered by other readers of this site.

At 12:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi all,
In response to questions by Anonymous:
When the chalana burned, Luis's parents, the Conde (Count) de Guevara and his wife were killed. I'm not sure but I think Juana's husband, the brother of the conde was also killed, in any case, he's out of the picture as well.

Juana wanted her son Diego to become the conde and inherit everything, so she switched the babies, became the regent until Diego was old enough to claim the title, and apparently there weren't enough people around who could tell the babies apart, and the ones that were there were intimidated by Juana. Sara--la Poderosa--was frightened away by Juana who said that she would denounce her to the Mexican Inquisition.

(Incidentally, the Mexican Inquisition grew out of the Spanish Inquisition which was established in Spain in 1489, just in time for Columbus and those who followed him to bring it to this hemisphere. Its primary charge was to prosecute unbelievers, heretics and Judaizers--Jews who apparently converted but continued to practice their religion in secret.) The anti-Semitism of the Catholic Monarchs who drove the Jews out of Spain in 1492 was transported to the new world.

The one question I still have is why Juana would have denounced Sara's family to begin with.

One other thing, about homosexuality. In those times, men married and if they had other inclinations, they kept quiet about it or, some say, went into the priesthood. Sadly, the homophobia is still very deep in most of Latin America and many men do marry and appear to be straight but have gay partners. It is one of the factors of the spread of AIDS in Latin America. Actually, there's an excellent book on that topic as well, _In the Land of God and Man: A Latin Woman's Journey_ -- by Silvana Paternostro.
As it happens, one of my grad school classmates wrote the first book on homosexuality in Colonial Latin America: _Infamous Desire : Male Homosexuality in Colonial Latin America ,
_Infamous Desire : Male Homosexuality in Colonial Latin America_ by Pete Sigal (University Of Chicago Press-Paperback - Jan 1, 2003)

At 4:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was directed to your blog by the good ladies over at the Alborado forum on the Univision website. . . I was asking them questions in my broken Spanish about things I had missed about the plot and they sent me here. Thank you so much for these recaps in English. . . this is the first telenovela I have ever watched and I'm enjoying it a lot. And learning tons of Spanish. Thank you again.

At 5:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello there. I'm new to your site and quiet honestly, I've enjoyed reading some of your comments. Sometimes I get lost while clicking back and forth, but maybe later I can figure how to join you. At any rate... here it goes. . . In your recap, you mentioned the part where Adalgisa tells Hipolita about Antonio attending a "FRAT" party of sorts where there were 'men in leather'. When Adalgisa says "hombres en cueros" it actually means 'naked men'. This is where the word "encuerado" comes from. Cuero being the skin - just like the 'cuero' or skin of a human or animal. So, this means that Antonio was at an orgy of sorts where the guests were ONLY men. HOMBRES EN CUEROS. YUP, he had the inclination while in college. Hope it makes sense to you now. :)

At 6:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the translations. I can't speak or understand much Spanish [yo se pocita espanol???], but I surfed into Alborado a few weeks ago and was fascinated by the costumes, settings, and characters. Fernado C. is especially captivating. I had no idea what was happening [I thought Luis and Hipolita were married and estranged and that Esperanza was Luis' dying mother!!!]---Then, I decided to search the web and found this site. Now, I can follow what's happening and rush here daily to see if there is a synopsis of the last episode. Thanks so much. I'm just sorry that I didn't get to see this telenovela from the beginning. Susan


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