Unique concert of Yiddish music in Durham NC on March 5, 2016
Hi friends, mark your calendars, this is going to be a one-time-ever event!
Roger Lynn Spears and Jane Peppler (me) are doing a 45-minute set of very funny music from the turn of the twentieth century (in Yiddish but with subtitles on the wall so you get all the jokes). These are my favorite songs from the Morris Rund American Yiddish Penny Songs collection.
Then a famous singer all the way from Ukraine, Zhenya Lopatnik (she has an AMAZING sultry voice) is doing a 45-minute set of traditional Yiddish song and her own great compositions. We're projecting her subtitles too.
Please come! Tickets at the door $10 doors open at 7:30 pm that night, Saturday March 5.
At the JCC 1937 West Cornwallis Road, Durham, NC (long driveway, second to last building, on right, plenty of parking.
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