Buy an advance ticket to the Pratie Heads St. Patrick's Day concert, get a free brand-new mp3 download.

30 years since our first Pratie Heads concert in 1982. We've been playing in the Raleigh Durham area ever since...
We've hired the hall (the Shared Visions Retreat Center aka Murphey School) at the intersection of Murphy School Road and old NC 10 -- an adorable old-fashioned auditorium with plenty of parking! It's sort of between Chapel Hill, Hillsborough, and Durham. Not far away, I promise!
We've arranged for delicious treats for the intermission (served by my mentee to benefit the Blue Ribbon Mentor Advocate Program).
We are giving away FREE CDs at the door to all attendees! What more could you ask?
Well, in honor of the new order, we recorded a song this morning and will send it as a free mp3 to anybody who buys advance tickets to our concert at the Pratie Heads website. This is a song I put together with an adaptation of a 17th century melody, a brand-new harmony, and the Tudor-era broadside witheringly entitled "Cordial Advice against the wiles of the sea, addressed To all rash young Men, who think to Advance their decaying Fortunes by Navigation."
You also save $2 if you buy online - the tickets are $8 on the website and $10 at the door. That's because advance ticket sales make me hopeful we will cover the cost of the hall.
Thirty years. That's pretty good, don't you think? And we're still steaming along. Come if you can. 7:30 pm on Saturday, March 17. Be there or be square.
Labels: music