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Friday, June 02, 2006

Doing what you say you're going to do.

This week has been almost entirely occupied with lying in bed. I sat down to do my Yiddish homework last Sunday morning, and when I stood up again I was crooked, and after a very busy day (Yiddish class, rehearsal, singing student, painting practice, a nice shmues with Rudy) I could no longer sustain the upright position.

(I discovered, though, that I can write Yiddish homework lying down, as long as I use a mechanical pencil. I'm trying to cram as much as I can, so I will truly be an "Intermediate" student when I get to the Medem Immersion program in July.)

All this resting must end at 4:30 today, when I leave with Bob to do a gig in Winston-Salem.

In the mean time, I type in a reclining position...

Here is the fundamental tenet of my life. To be a good person, do what you say you're going to do.

It sounds so easy and yet so few people care enough to come up to the mark.

Some people barely notice when they make commitments. For them, a commitment is a casual expression indicating that, at that particular moment, the person who makes the vow (1) would LIKE to do the promised thing, or (2) is acknowledging that it SHOULD be done.

Or (3) perhaps the promiser simply wants to make the promisee happy. Make the promise - then, well, when the time comes, maybe, maybe not, whatever.

Promises made idly only postpone pain. Yes, you disappoint the promisee now if you say "I can't do this" - but you disappoint the promisee later if you say you you'll do it and then don't. How is that better?

I know a guy who's spent decades hiding behind telephone poles as he walks down the street to avoid the people he passes - he lives in a small town where he's failed to deliver on a promise to almost everyone he knows.

If you make casual promises, you weaken your "vow muscle." It's like going on a diet every other week. How can you be taken seriously?

I writhe in discomfort when a movie character solemnly swears: "I'll never let anything happen to you." How can a person keep a promise like that?

This is what I told Zed yesterday, when he was feeling overwhelmed by the gap between what he plans for each day and what actually takes place: promise yourself less, but deliver.

I got an astrological reading once from Stephen Forrest, whom I had never met previously. He said: "you have a medieval attitude toward vows." Is that bad?


At 4:58 PM, Blogger novelera said...

Very interesting post. I am also a person known for always keeping her promises. Unfortunately this side of my personality does battle with another prominent side - a tendency to get bored with repetition. I have to very carefully monitor my instinct to agree to help out: political campaign work, neighborhood association volunteer, above and beyond the call of duty stuff at work. Commitments that go on and on begin to seem unendurable, but I can't bear to let people down. So I try to think, and then think again, before promising to do more.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger melinama said...

Miatagirl, since you are predictable (you will always do what you said you were going to do) you can only be called difficult to live with on this score IF the person you are with thinks we should be able to change each other. That never works so well.

Novelera, I am with you in making fewer commitments to things which will be onerous and overwhelming!

At 9:31 PM, Blogger Elizabeth said...

I love you. You are absolutely my favorite blogger.

At 9:44 PM, Blogger melinama said...

Wow, thanks! and just when I was wondering if it's worth it...


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